A properly mounted alloy oil tank is less likely to crack. Every part of a featherbed frame has a function.. Oil in frame is usually pretty horrible. With an oilt tank, you simply take it off the bike to flush it. With oil in frame, you need to put petrol in the frome to rinse the tank and pick the whole bike up and shake it.
'Because I can' is never a good reason for doing anything.
Some guys think the 'Drain-pipe' frame might be good. - It is just ugly.
Featherbed frames are inferior to Seeley frames, but if I did not have a Seeley frame, I would use a Featherbed, The Featherbed framev was excellent in it's time. The Triumph oil in frame attenmpt was horrible.
I think the Commando frame is a good idea for a twin cylinder road bike which is going to be used for touring. But for fast pleasurable riding, a featherbed 650 SS might be more fun.
I would like to try Ashley's Featherbed 860. I once saw a race bike like that. It was being raced against Manx Nortons in historic races. - A bit obvious ? You could tell it was not a Domiracer from about 200 metres away.