850cmndo said:
Trying to isolate a wiring issue that's been biting me for some time. While double checking the Rita I find that the leads to the pickup, white/purple & white/orange are cold with the switch on. Is this normal until the reluctor passes the pickup? Dave?? You out there? Thanks in advance.
I should try and find my LR tech folder. I have a friends box to test and repair if needed.
I know that you should only test with a high impedance meter and not a test light. Depending on how you hook it up you could almost instantaneously blow the box/ input transistor or have done so already. A meter won't. I use a o-scope and my distributor machine.
I know I can fix them since I was buying all the parts to re-manufacture them, but later decided it was a fools mission.
$20 to test them including the pickup and rotor plus return postage. Fixing them is additional.
I've got about 50 LR units (most new), but no commando systems for sale.