Lost thread

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May 26, 2010
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Anyone seen Nolucks kick-starting bastard thread?
I can't find it
I put forth the proposition, that, all along, it was a social experiment. To see how many old bikers he could get to play his Abbot & Costello game for how long. 💡
I'm leaving because...
I spotted a post from norluck earlier "rough summary"..basically saying to thank some of the guys for advice (probably not me) 🤣
After speaking/arguing with management he thought it was unfair that he couldn't bad mouth part suppliers that he had trouble with (there where a few)..with personal or commercial type attacks and thought "we" had a right to do it also...(he kind of crossed the Rubicon "so to speak" in regards to that).😳.and personally "I" think that was possibly the nail in his coffin.... imo

He also mentioned a "truth" that he had no manual all along...when he told a member (you know who you are) that he had...said he thought he had done a good job considering he had no manual and had built 2 bikes because of this forum....blah de blah......then minutes later POOF !! he and the bastard "thread" where gone......

"Lesson of the day"
Never refer to a Norton or any other British bike as a bastard...it brings you bad Karma....carry on...
Just glad he didn't make it to the 2k mark, could you imagine how long the carbs would have dragged on for, then criticised the people who tried to help him, good riddings too him, won't be missed.
I'm glad I got tired of reading said thread two pages in and never looked again.
I thought Norluck quit by himself and asked Jerry to delete all his ‘back catalogue’ ?

I had a complaint about the user. These days I react upon complaints. It usually takes 2 or 3 complaints. In this case, I received the complaint and then check the thread. I know it seems drastic, but I locked that thread after as it was not relative to the initial topic. Usually that takes care of these things. In this case the thread starter then contacted me and felt like they were being monitored and they asked me to remove them and all their posts. That's what I did.
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Apparently he upset more people than just us on this forum, experience bikers in his local area/town who he asked for help after sometime they gave up trying to help him as he did the opposite too their help and did it his way although he had no idea what he was doing.
He contacted me a long time before he started this lengthy thread for advice on JH Magnetos and how to set them up on the Commando then he brought 2 one for his Mercury and Commando, a simple operation except for him, I knew from the beginning what he was doing wrong and how to set it up but he just kept doing it his own way and of course we know how that panned out, I gave up trying to help him because he just didn't listen or just did it his way even when he was doing it wrong, you just can't help people like that and yet he blame everyone else for his own mistakes.
Everyone is wrong or at fault except him, no wonder JH gave him the run around/ flic and Jim tried his best to please him but some people just can't be helped not even when they ask for help.
We all tried to help just to be criticised for our efforts from him.
I don't think a Norton is the ideal bike for him or any bike for that matter but he seems to have the money to burn.
My sentiments exactly Ash.. ..although his private messages are now gone the advice contact phone numbers to the engine builder (Chris Knibbs) and to the owner friend of mine that owns a British bike business (mechanic) that is close to his location that i organised for him were all IGNORED as he never contacted any of them as I checked back with them recently ...
I dived in and out of that thread a few times.

A bit sad all the thread has gone because I put a bit of effort into some of my answers on mag setup etc. But such is life.

I can confirm people close to his location tried to help but found it a bit hard.

However as I approach my 70 th birthday I hope I have got a bit more understanding of people's positives and minuses. I feel poor old NorLuck might have had a bit of attention deficit troubles at times and maybe had a few demons to deal with.

Anyway I do hope he is successful in his endeavours sometime.
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I, for one, am glad he and his thread are gone. I felt he was making a mockery of this forum and members. All the good advice and knowledge that he asked for and totally ignored trying to get this bike running. This shit is not rocket science, all it takes is just a minimal amount of mechanical ability, some common sense and of course a manual. Dude even lied about even owning one. Dude was full of shit for sure. It did seem to me to be a bit of social experiment also but what really got me was when he started badmouthing vendors and such. Unacceptable in my view. And yeah, I kinda thought he had a little ADHD/ADD also. I personally know people with this affliction but it doesn’t give you permission to be an asshole.
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