Lost my loyal friend


Jul 11, 2010
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Sad day last week had to put down my beloved blue cattle dog Bonnie, in such a short time she had dropped down from 22kg to 15kg and the last 2 days she had gone completely blind, it happened so quick she was only 9 years old, prognosis was cancer, her mother Millie my red cattle dog is over 13 years old and still going strong, but it's only the last day or so she has realized her daughter is no longer with us, my wife was with her right till the end, I couldn't watch her die.
Now Millie is queen of the house again, but Bonnie was always with me at all times and that bloody ball lol.
Last Friday got a card from the vet and inside the card was Bonnie's paw print, brought tears to my eyes again.
Anyway Bonnie had a good life with us, well looked after (but both dogs where outside dogs), she thought she was queen of the house/yard and tried to boss her mother around but I didn't let her, her mother was number one.
I have always had cattle dogs all my life, male and last 20 years only female as the males kept jumping the fence to go looking for females on heat, the female dogs always stay home even if the front gate was left open and more obedient.
Anyway a few pics of Bonnie and Millie' I love the first pic Bonnie was always on her back, bloody tart lol.

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It's all good, life goes on, we all love our dogs but all my dogs I ever owned are always in my memory, she was a good dog and her time came too soon, but I didn't want her to suffer and being working dogs they were here to protect the family and property, no one came in the front gate without me knowing, Bonnie barked to let you know, Millie the red dog don't bark but she will sneak up to any strangers and they both had a way to let me know if they were friend or foe who was at the gate and they kept the bill man at bay, I never taught them that one lol.
One regret with Bonnie I never matted her, I couldn't find another cattle dog that wasn't related to her.

So sorry about your Bonnie, Ash. Losing a dog all of a sudden like that is terrible. It really takes a while for it to sink in. Remember the time you had with her knowing that you loved her til the end. Peace to you.
Sorry to hear your news it's hard when they go but at least you still have her mother to soften the blow ( if you can ? )

My two are both 14 1/2 yrs now ( same litter ) and I know whats coming but not when and thats hard enough but a sudden loss is all the more cruel.

Best advice if you can face it is to look for another dog ASAP .

The Doc would prescribe you some rubber burning and chicken strip exploring.
Very sorry to hear this Ashley. Dogs brighten our life . I hope she didn’t suffer too long . I had to put my Brittany Nugget down a few months ago so I feel your pain. I was hoping he would go in his sleep but that was not to be .
Wishing better days ahead for you and yours.
Sorry to hear Ashley. As a dog man I know how you are feeling...I'll raise a glass today in honour of Bonnie.
A while back you posted a photo of her resting under the pool table,perhaps she is up there somewhere playing pool or poker with the other great ones
We have the same situation fast approaching with the Granddog and certainly dreading it. Hoping the kids do what's best. Best to you Ashley.
Very sorry to read this Ash
You have to think of all the happy times with them
And I'm willing to bet you gave that dog it's best life
I’ve had to put done 3 of my best friends in this life , I think it may tougher than getting away myself , always say no more dogs & yet , here we are with 9 month orangutang ….


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We lost our black Lab 2 years ago and it still hurts. Probably always will. Just know that you gave her the best life a dog could ever want. Good on ya for it Ash.
Sorry for your loss Ash. We are dog people and have shared our lives with many rescue dogs over the years; it is always tough. RIP Bonnie.

Sorry to read this. I know how you've been feeling. Lost my first dog over 10 years ago. We have three now, and two are getting on in age. Preparing myself for the same thing in the next 5 years. She looks like she was a great shop assistant with you. They are such great company.
Thanks to everyone, Bonnie was a great dog, it took Millie a few days to realize her daughter was gone but she has been spending more time with me now, my dogs have always been outside dogs and only allowed in the kitchen to get their treats in the morning and when cooking our night dinner, but Millie has been allowed to come inside when we are watching TV of a night time since Bonnie's pasting, she has also been allow out on the front patio as its sit high and she can see over the front fence to watch the world go by, as I write this she just snacked in the house and sat in front of me to get a pat before going out on the patio, my dogs aren't normally allowed down the front only when I am with them.
Bonnie always barked when someone was at the front gate, Millie don't bark at all she is such a quiet dog, but because she is a red cattle dog and the main breed of cattle dogs is 70% Dingo, Australia wild dog and dingo's never bark so she has Dingo ways of not barking, but she has her ways of letting me know someone is there.
Millie's father was 15 years old when he fathered Millie he was a red cattle dog but her mother was a blue cattle dog, her father lived till he was 17 years old, but when Millie had her first set of pups she was mated with a Smithfield red cattle dog, they are a bit bigger in size and have a bit of Shepard in the breed so not as aggressive as a true cattle dog, the Shepard was breed for sheep and was only recondensed in the last 20 years of being part of the cattle dog breed here in Aus. so Bonnie was a bit bigger than her mother in size and build.
When Millie had her first litter she had 10 pups 8 were red and 2 were blue a throw back to Millie's mother (8 pups where female and 2 male), we never breed Millie again but we kept one of the blue pups (Bonnie) and Millies father owner, a good mate of mine got one of the red pups and his mate who had the Smithfield red also got one of the red pups (both female).
Anyway a bit of history with Millie and Bonnie.
We got Millie when she was 12 months old my mate who had her was going to knock her over the head because her mother taught her to kill chooks so my daughter was learning to drive at the time so we drove 150kms to go save her, she was chained up on a short chain when we got her where she spent most of her life on a chain run, my mate kept all his cattle dogs on chain runs as he said they are working dogs and were treated that way, Millie was never kept on a chain after we got her, my mate Don where we got Millie got me into Nortons at a young age but he not good with keeping his dogs, on chain runs instead of training them right, I think there was a bit of mistreatment of her, as cattle dogs are so smart and loyal if treated right.
So we saved Millie and gave her a good life and Bonnie as well, I had never needed to raise my hands in anger to them, they are so obedient, anyway I miss Bonnie but she had a good life with us.

My neighbour had a blue Australian Cattle dog and his name was Foster. When Gene's horses got loose they would come thundering over to my place for the green grass. And right on there asses would be Foster to remind them where their boundaries were. That dog would jump, grab a hold of one's tail, hold on while getting bucked around, and harass them all till they quietly returned, with Foster following proudly. I had no idea a dog could jump that high in the air. They are are a smart breed that know how to get work done and are worry free. The dogs that turn out to be the best are the ones that have had a chance to prove their trust. I've had dogs my whole life and it's hard to say goodbye when the times came, and I was able to smile in a big way knowing they had a good life and they all let me know so in their way.