I am thinking of fitting an led headlight lamp had anyone tried one of these http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/252378123184?ul_noapp=true ?
If so are thy any good ?
If so are thy any good ?
L.A.B. said:If your Commando has the normal positive earth electrical system then it probably won't work.
bluto said:FWIW many of the cheap Asian LED and HID H4 retrofit bulbs have very poor low beam cutoff so you are blinding oncoming drivers and they are illegal many places to boot...no idea if that is the case for the bulb shown though. Phillips makes a properly engineered H4 LED retrofit bulb but they are sold in pairs and are quite expensive. So far as polarity goes it would be possible to wire a bridge rectifier inline (actually you would need two), that way the bulb would see the correct polarity no matter what, this is how "non-polarized" LED's are made. This does cause a small voltage drop but that might have little to no effect on the LED brightness.
I'm planning to try the Phillips H4 bulbs eventually but am waiting for the price to drop...
swooshdave said:Doesn't the reflector determine where the light goes and not the bulb? If you're just changing the bulb then the cutoff should be the same?
seanthomasking said:I got all my LED gear from here -
http://www.dynamoregulatorconversions.c ... s-shop.php
All positive earth. & the H4 headlight is great.
Do any of you using LED bulbs worry about melting wires inside your headlamp shell from the greater heat these LED bulbs generate??
o0norton0o said:Do any of you using LED bulbs worry about melting wires inside your headlamp shell from the greater heat these LED bulbs generate?? My headlight shell is a rat's nest of wires. I have the lighting switch, 2 beam indicator lights, and an ameter mounted in my headlight shell. That makes for a lot of wiring inside the shell. I'd love a brighter headlight, but I also don't want to melt any wiring...
I see there's LED bulbs with and without fans. That tells me things get hot... I don't ride much at night, but a simple bulb swap without any modifying to have a brighter headlight that has a lower amperage draw would be a good thing, so long as I don't burn up my wires... comments about heat build up?? thanks.