layshaft bearing again

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Nov 6, 2008
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hi all,ive just stripped my commando gearbox as a precautionary measure to determine which layshaft bearing is fitted 208xxx,i already bought mick hemmings bearing just in case,i found a strange to me bearing in there it,s a ball bearing with 7 balls,on the outer race I can barely make out made in England,on the inner race I can barely make out what appears to be tb742,,the cage is not a steel one and does,nt look like brass either,it looks like some kind of plastic,i could be wrong,but what is strange to me is, there is a steel shield on one side similar to the ones found on the mainshaft bearings of the earlier amc gearbox,can anyone shed any light on this bearing,by the way micks bearing says made in Portugal thx in advance chris.
I thought the TB was the Hemmings ball with plastic cage, have you looked at the marking on the new Hemmings one to compare.
kommando,yes,barely visible,had to use magnifying glass,fag 6203tb,portugal ,it has 8 balls and a plastic cage that is secured by 8 pins, chris.
Its a resin of some sort, looks like you have a spare bearing then, odd one has 7 and one 8 balls.
chris plant said:
odd thing is the shield

I suggest you fit the 'Hemmings' 6203TB bearing as the one that's in there is something of an unknown quantity (you don't need the roller bearing).
lab,thats what im going to do,but was curios because I haven't seen one like it before,i was wondering whether it was one of the suspect bearings that are prone to failure,thanks everyone,chris.
chris plant said:
lab,thats what im going to do, but was curios because I haven't seen one like it before,i was wondering whether it was one of the suspect bearings that are prone to failure,

As it has a plastic cage then I think it unlikely to be an original bearing as they normally had either a steel or brass cage.

The bearing most prone to failure is the Portuguese brass cage FAG (example, below).
dougmatson said:
layshaft bearing again
Someone has been in before, as a its UK made bearing it may be an early MH supplied bearing, not sure how long he has been supplying them. If you had not bought a new replacement its would have been ok to leave in with the shield nearest the shell.
commando,the shield was near the shell,i don't know how long its been in there but it appears to be in good condition, if I did,nt know about the layshaft bearing problem I would put it back in,but since I got micks bearing anyway that's whats going in,wish I could put pics on to show thx,chris
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