Lab Grown Chicken


Jul 12, 2015
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I heard on the radio today that there's only one more hurdle to jump before lab grown chicken meat will start being sold in the US. Apparently, cells from one chicken can be used to make the meat of thousands of chickens.

Not sure many will buy it in stores for home use, but I bet chicken nuggets and "boneless wings" are switched to it ASAP.

Here's one site talking about it today:
I heard on the radio today that there's only one more hurdle to jump before lab grown chicken meat will start being sold in the US. Apparently, cells from one chicken can be used to make the meat of thousands of chickens.

Not sure many will buy it in stores for home use, but I bet chicken nuggets and "boneless wings" are switched to it ASAP.

Here's one site talking about it today:
Ohhhh - that explains Donald... um, er, geez!!!
Luckily for now the vegan processed food is dying on its roots as its overhyped and too expensive, hopefully this will go the same way. Unless someone can come up with free energy then farmers have an advantage, everything they grow or breed starts off with the sun powering plant growth, all you need is soil and sun. Growing something in a lab misses out the free bit of the process.

Soylent Green
Actually, I have little doubt that the "Green" of the movie is coming - there is a limit to the land that can be used to grow crops and house/feed animals for meat. The current Soylent Corp is already producing the earlier colors in liquid form and who knows what's in their green, see: It's hard to believe that a company would be bold enough to call themselves that - maybe they never saw the movie!

Worldwide: About 86k die per day and there are about 205k births per day. In other words, there are about 119k new mouths to feed daily.

BTW, Excellent Movie.
Article in November issue of Chemistry World, the monthly journal of The Royal Society of Chemistry

Lab Grown Chicken

Lab Grown Chicken

Lab Grown Chicken

Lab Grown Chicken
I guess "cultured meat" sounds better than "lab grown" LOL
By the time this stuff becomes commonplace, and perhaps necessary, I will have avoided it by checking out.

Ivy Farms opened the largest cultivated meat factory in Europe last summer, capable of producing three tons of cultivated meat annually. And in October, Australian cultivated meat company Vow debuted Factory 1, its NSW-based factory capable of producing 30 tons of cultured meat per year.