Does anybody know the right speedo gearbox ratio for my kph speedo?
Speedo # SSM 3001/10 600. Gearbox is standard 15/12, but shown speed is very optimistic though.
Of course I can live with it. I'm just wondering, if it's the right one.
Does anybody know the right speedo gearbox ratio for my kph speedo?
Speedo # SSM 3001/10 600. Gearbox is standard 15/12, but shown speed is very optimistic though.
Of course I can live with it. I'm just wondering, if it's the right one.
As the difference between a 'KPH' and 'MPH' speedo is in the number scale on the dial 0 - 240 Km/h, & 0 - 150 MPH (241 Km/h = 150 MPH). The odometer mechanisms are different between the two types however, as the KPH odometer reading will increase by 1 km for every 600 cable turns, whereas an MPH odometer will take 1000 turns to increase by 1 mile.
If either a speedo or tacho unit shows a significantly fast reading then it probably needs an overhaul and recalibration?
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