isolastic objective montoring?

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Oct 19, 2005
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I think I may have some genes from the Princess and the Pea.
I didn't care for the tractor like Big twins, nor the sewing machine
appliance feel of modern engine bikes, plus also found I squirmed
or numbed out on traditional solid mount Brit iron twins.

Can't afford nor risk a Goldwing on Ozark's Gravel paths nor could stand
the tip toe creeping for even them big BMW desert bikes -
predicatively. One of my motorcycle killed, world traveling BMW
friends left his big adventure rig at end of pavement to visit my Norton nest.

Leaves only light handy Commando to find real peace on the roll.

I know what two fettered Combats should feel like about
25 mph on, flying carpet comfort isolated by 22-2400 rpm.
I know about every issue that can make a Commando blur
vision and nose itch terrible. Rode one of those yesterday.
Took till 40 mph in 3rd or 50 in 4th to settle down.
In traffic on curving roads that meant having to stay
rev'd up beyond needed power band in 2nd to ease turns with
mild throttle, or be in 3rd-4th gear and shake nerves no matter
the throttle on or off. Worse in city street traffic-intersections,
never did get out of shake - 2nd too loud-responsive for just
flowing along 35-45 plus its a bit police baiting.

I'm wondering if there is a fairly simple way to record
and graph handle bars or peg vibration though the engine
rpm and gear ranges.

I don't have a cell phone, Ozarks hollars block signal too much.
So iPhone type app's not practical in my case.
Would be fun to pass it around and get scope of patterns
and issues encountered, plus what is possible in smoothness.
Suggestions accepted.

A good Commando won't scare a bird off its bars just
get off on the free wind blast leaning the turns. ... 1179pzJeKf
isolastic objective montoring? ... 1179atPyom
isolastic objective montoring?

Try a VROD sometime .. you might fall in love all over again.

Simple vibration monitoring can be done with an accelerometer and an o'scope. There are 2 main types of accelerometers - piezoelectric and charge coupled. Piezo types output a voltage that can be read by any voltage sensitive instrument. That gets you amplitude (in G's) and frequency but the v.s. RPM part you'd have to plot manually. And of course we're talking about a stationary bench test, not moving.

Beyond that you'd need a multi channel data acquision system with recording capability. Amplitude and frequency inputs from the accelerometer, rpm from a separate tach. Data is aquired v.s. time and can be played back and plotted. Not simple, and certainly not cheap.
Thanks Dave. I don't want to learn electronic lab set ups
yet do want on the fly recording.
Maybe electronic stethoscope or some game conrtoller could
be used for comparisions.
If a elegant cheap solution occurs to you ping me, meanwhile
I'll be on look out between other searching.

Will have to experience a VROD some how, but still a bit pricey
and big for my environment. But wouldn't have to ride one
to get an idea of smooth pecking order is a portable monitor
was available.

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