iso oil tank mounts

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Oct 2, 2010
Hey guys quick question the rubber isolation mounts for the oil tank and various other parts did they make 2 sizes all i can find is the 1/4-28 but that doesnt fit in the oil tank holes on frame ( 71 roadster )? any ideas or am i missing something
Yes def 2 sizes ... tank/mufflers one size...... oil tank smaller You'll find it ... look for oil tank support rubber ????
But he's saying the 1/4 doesn't fit the frame holes. There's nowt smaller.Are the holes filled with paint or have they been welded up and redrilled 3/16 or something? Wouldn't want smaller than 1/4 if it was available.
the 1/4" should fit the oil tank tab .,, ?? does it ???... If so then the frame hole has been messed with. It should fit.... Your right Keith
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