Iso adjustment

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Dec 9, 2008
First, thanks to all for your patience while I continue to learn about my Norton.

I have a MK III. Tonight, I discovered that my front ISO mount was adjusted to a gap of about 1/16 of an inch. Obviously, even to me, to big. I read the adjustment is 0.010 (I think). Is that measurement at each ISO or a total between front and rear. I think I have heard it both ways. Also, can the Iso's be adjusted with the bike on the side stand, or do I need to get someone to hold it upright while I adjust them.

Just about the time I think I am about done with this project, I find something else that needs work. I wanted a bike to tinker with. Be careful what you wish for. :lol:

Thanks again to all
your right about that... seems like everything I do is tougher than I thought it would be, some things I forget, and somethings I have to go through and re-do it because I did it in the wrong order. Good for learning though, and I'll apprecite this bike 100 times more than one I could've bought from a dealer.

As for the front iso I don't see why you couldn't do it on the stand. Essentially just loosen the main bolt, adjust, and tighten it back.
The gap is 0.01" total.
Not sure what you mean by front and rear.
The front engine mount ISO needs 0.01" total gap, and so does the rear one(the one by the gearbox).
You will NEVER be 'done' with a Commando :roll:
At least you have a mark3, if you had an earlier model you would be stripping the bike to pieces to replace shims! :shock:
.010 is the total. I hope you have the MKIII then its no so bad. If you don't buy the kit to change it over as your going to have to take everything apart anyway. Its expensive but money well spent.
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