I was thinking to stay with the efi but a pair of flatslides would be nice.
I am a carb guy so I would find this wonderful too.
However, adapting new throttle bodies, and retaining the stock EFI would be much simpler.
Don't forget the EFI system not only supplies the fuel pulse to the injectors, it also controls the ignition timing.
If you mount carbs, and bypass the electronic fuel control, how will the ignition pulse be controlled?
Carbs will dump a whole lot of fuel into the system, with a whole lot more ending up in the exhaust.
That will make the O2 sensors cause the ECU to screw with the ignition pulses trying to adjust combustion.
Also, the temp sensor data will force the ECU to make ignition changes as well,
This will not be optimal for a carb-ed engine.
The best outcome for a carb-ed engine would be to fit a separate ignition module, preferably one that allows tuning. Like the igniter box used on the Hinckley carb-ed Triumph Bonneville line prior to 2016. The igniter uses a transducer and timing ring, like the 961 has, and should be adaptable to the 961. The igniter box also has inputs for TPS, sidestand switch, clutch switch, and kill switch. The box has output signals for ignition coils, and tach signal.
1. Fit new throttle bodies, and remove airbox and fit foam air filters. dyno tune the motor, done.
2. Fit new carbs and either:
a. Screw with the EFI system to get the ignition to work properly with the new fuel flow from the carbs, and the sensor data it produces.
b. Bypass the ECU ignition completely and install a different ignition module, and get it all to work together.