Inflation... How much pressure is too much?


Dec 29, 2011
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$72.99 for a motorcycle inner tube. More than DOUBLE what they were two years ago.

EVERYTHING we buy, to use in our live.
Not just a gallon of gas.
Not just a dozen eggs.
Not just the Thanksgiving turkey.
Where on earth do they get away with charging $70 for a motorcycle tire tube?

I get them from online bike parts places for $25. Haven't had a flat on one of my bikes from a bad tube, ever.
$72.99 for a motorcycle inner tube. More than DOUBLE what they were two years ago.

EVERYTHING we buy, to use in our live.
Not just a gallon of gas.
Not just a dozen eggs.
Not just the Thanksgiving turkey.
Everything has gone up
I don't know about the rest of the world but the price of timber in the UK is through the roof
Everything has gone up
I don't know about the rest of the world but the price of timber in the UK is through the roof
Lumber prices skyrocketed during Covid, but started back down just as I was building my barndo (thankfully), they are still creeping down here...

As far as bike tubes...
I was whining about prices at Costco to one of the employees. Reply was "But your still here", followed by the rubber stamp, "Prices are up everywhere". Costco employee profit sharing is very lucrative right now according to one of the other employees.
About 38lbs in the rear and 34lbs in the front lol, modern tyres today take a bit more pressure than tyres of 40/50 years ago and yes inflation is gone crazy and cost of living through the roof, I am glad I own everything but the bills keep rolling in as well more money needed to pay them.
Years ago we were able to save a bit of money, them days are gone and living beyond our means, I live a very simple life, no AC and my car (Land Rover is 23 years old) but I still got my sanctity and rego's keep going up each time I pay them and of course we pay in the long run for the fools in power who make mistakes and waste our money and every 6 months the tax on our beer keeps going up, beer drinking is becoming a luxury that is getting beyond my means to pay for these days looking in my beer fridge and all that's in there is dog food, I just got my yearly dog registration the other day $163 for one dog and I have 2, I would have a beer but I can't friggin afford it.
Went for ride up in the ranges Friday on the Thruxton and burned the rear tyre down to steel (got to stop putting it in sports mode lol), up for a new tyre and I still have bills to pay, thank god the Norton is going and has good rubber, being retired and living on a budget, things are getting harder each month, but the thought of getting a part time job just to pay the bills, would sell the kids but they left home and the wife she is broken so can't sell her, the dogs well they are here to protect the shed so can't sell them lol.
Might have to start my home brewing up again, I stop doing that over 25 years ago as I started to drink way to much, farkkkk I can't win lol.

If it's the tubes I think you're looking at it's apples to oranges as far as composition and quality.
Bidenomics is working.... but 32 PSI is the right inflation
Grumpy old man rants or not, I think not, a $73.00 inner tube is flat out stupid. They know they can get their number because as noted above, most Chinese offerings are junk.

You can't dump 6 TRILLION dollars into a stabilized/functioning economy and believe there will be no economic repercussions.
Yet, they do.

All my friends who run businesses, and most local contractors I know, tell me they have a very hard time finding young workers who stay long enough to get trained.
Unfortunately, the powers now in charge have no understanding of economics or finance, and so they are just focused on spending to “help the under privileged”, the whoever that may be-translation-paying their voter base.
They have no clue that when you overspend, as they have been, you create more inflation, and the people hurt most are the ones they claim to want to help.
To make matters worse, they now believe industrial policy- the use of government subsidies to jump start industrial projects like chip plants, battery plants, subsidized EVs, etc, is the best way. This never ends well. In China, state run industries fare much worse than the ones run by entrepreneurs.

One of the companies that has been touted just filed for bankruptcy- do we recall Solyndra? We are going to have excess chip capacity and battery plants that cannot get sufficient raw materials to operate. They have no clue about investment returns or risk.

They never learn.
About 38lbs in the rear and 34lbs in the front lol, modern tyres today take a bit more pressure than tyres of 40/50 years ago .......


Somewhere I read 4 psi more than the old recommended value of 26/24 were optimum for modern tires ..... I found 30/28 to result in a bone jarring ride, and reverted to 26/24.

As far as inflation...... you ain't seen nuttin yet .....
Stock up on the precious metals, Au, Ag, and Pb.

Somewhere I read 4 psi more than the old recommended value of 26/24 were optimum for modern tires ..... I found 30/28 to result in a bone jarring ride, and reverted to 26/24.

As far as inflation...... you ain't seen nuttin yet .....
Stock up on the precious metals, Au, Ag, and Pb.

Lots of Pb and an alloy of Cu and Zn.
Pennsylvania is known as the land of taxes, but dog license here are only $8.00. I think I would take a chance at $163 @ dog
When or if you travel to Australia you be very surprised in how much it cost to live here, high tax, food cost, high wages, high fuel cost and friggin high tax on our beer and everything we buy, high tax on new cars and motorcycles +10% GST on nearly everything on top of the taxes we pay, they say we are the lucky country, well that might have been so a long time ago but not so lucky no more, run by fools and greed and now housing and rentals are getting beyond peoples means to have a roof over their heads and more people and families living in tents in parks, its the worst its ever been and we have most of the worlds recourse's that most countries are seeking, but we have been sold out by greed.
Welcome to my world but I still think we are a safe place to live and are so far away from world conflicts, but its getting closer, and another thing that gets travelers is the distant between major cities and states and of course outback Australia so many travelers have been caught out and perished in the middle of nowhere and we have things that will kill or eat you.
But one thing if you do come here we are a friendly bunch, we might put sh*t on you but all in a fun way and we know how to have a good time as that what keeps us sane, so say G'day, have a beer or two and throw a prawn on the BBQ, we don't call them shrimp here, we have some of the best sea food here, that's if you can afford it, farkkkkk but we love our outdoors, camping, fishing/crabbing and lots of drinking and we always willing to give a hand when in need no matter who it is.

Pennsylvania is known as the land of taxes, but dog license here are only $8.00. I think I would take a chance at $163 @ dog
Well for over 50 years of owning dogs I never had them license although it was by law, but last year some do gooder who couldn't mind their own business (next door neighbour who hates dogs and me) contacted council but was all good they just contacted me and asked me to do the right thing so I think I am way ahead, my cattle dogs are well behaved they are always up the back and only allowed down the front when I am with them and they never bark but will let me know if someone is here trying to get in the front gate, they are loyal and well trained.
When or if you travel to Australia you be very surprised in how much it cost to live here, high tax, food cost, high wages, high fuel cost and friggin high tax on our beer and everything we buy, high tax on new cars and motorcycles +10% GST on nearly everything on top of the taxes we pay, they say we are the lucky country, well that might have been so a long time ago but not so lucky no more, run by fools and greed and now housing and rentals are getting beyond peoples means to have a roof over their heads and more people and families living in tents in parks, its the worst its ever been and we have most of the worlds recourse's that most countries are seeking, but we have been sold out by greed.
Welcome to my world but I still think we are a safe place to live and are so far away from world conflicts, but its getting closer, and another thing that gets travelers is the distant between major cities and states and of course outback Australia so many travelers have been caught out and perished in the middle of nowhere and we have things that will kill or eat you.
But one thing if you do come here we are a friendly bunch, we might put sh*t on you but all in a fun way and we know how to have a good time as that what keeps us sane, so say G'day, have a beer or two and throw a prawn on the BBQ, we don't call them shrimp here, we have some of the best sea food here, that's if you can afford it, farkkkkk but we love our outdoors, camping, fishing/crabbing and lots of drinking and we always willing to give a hand when in need no matter who it is.

If you think the" West island" is expensive,you should try living in New Zealand.
Low wages and even more costs here for food and gas and 15% GST (vat).
Rents over $600 a week for a mouldy farm house and average house price over $1,000,000petrol nearly $3 a litre at the moment.
$8 for a f' n lettuce in the supermarket.
Rant over.
I brew my own beer !