...What firmware , calibration version are you running?
Hi guys,
In an effort to solve hunting/idle problems.
Dealer worked with Norton (apparently) and has put in what I think is newish firmware with older calibration file.
I have a Omex ECU.
File versions:
6500101_R1 V2 Norton Commando Aftermarket Exhaust. OMEX 630.01N31
Starts easy.
Runs rich (you can smell it)
Mid range and power all up has gone backwards.
If you have an Omex and are happy (with Norton long open pipes) what files and version do you have if known?
Hi guys,
In an effort to solve hunting/idle problems.
Dealer worked with Norton (apparently) and has put in what I think is newish firmware with older calibration file.
I have a Omex ECU.
File versions:
6500101_R1 V2 Norton Commando Aftermarket Exhaust. OMEX 630.01N31
Starts easy.
Runs rich (you can smell it)
Mid range and power all up has gone backwards.
If you have an Omex and are happy (with Norton long open pipes) what files and version do you have if known?