someone on this forum mentioned that the tanks from Pakastan were crappy.
You, definitely looking at the pics don't have one of them. Go on ebay and you can verify this for yourself.
Those are rough!!!
However; there are ones from India that are excellent just in short supply.
Even if it is a later tank, if it serves to replace a fiberglass one, no one is going to notice but the finest judges.
I have a yellow 72 combat that came w/ a fiberglass tank.
I replaced it w/ a 72/73 era metal tank ,also metal side covers from same Gent.
It takes 1st and 2nd place all the time. I also ride it regularily and enjoy it.
I restored it for me. Others out there complement the bike, not me, all the time.
I would say, w/o prying, if you got it for a fair price paint it up and enjoy it.
You can be the talk of the pub, Hey did you see this girls bike she has one of them rare police tanks :lol:
It may take a life form of its own on?
All in good fun of course but you know what I mean.
Yours looks real close except front seam. It could be very possible as alluded to here that
it was a vendor of Norton and they may have specked it out wrong.
Remeber the frames were later made in Italy, so it could be a period correct part just
outsourced. Just my thoughts :?: