I’ve invented a new word...

Fast Eddie

Oct 4, 2013
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I’ve got two daughters, 9 and 11.

The 11 year old has an iPhone, I was reluctant, but gave in when it was needed for her to be part of the “walking group” which, is simply a small group of them who walk to and from school together. And they need a phone to text each other to know who is walking that day, or the next day, and who isn’t etc.

And that’s when I made my breakthrough discovery leading to a new word being required and invented...

This group of girls create text threads that are HUNDREDS of text long... and 99% of the messages convey zero information.

I asked her recently: “Is (enter name) walking today”? Answer (as almost always): “I don’t know”!

I said to her: “you have more communication technology at you disposal to organise school walks amongst the 6 of you than the Allies had for the D-Day landings... AND YOU STILL DON’T KNOW... your ability to non-municate is amazing”.

So there you have it, a new word “nonmunicate”.

You heard it hear first folks...!
I did so when the bar slipped installing that front ISO last month hitting me on the right brow almost taking out my eye and ruining my glasses.... Very choice words not meant for mixed company & accompanied by copious amounts of blood.... Don't recall what shoes I wore though, or the shirt... only the black eye for a week.
I like 'disrespect' when it is used as a verb. It reminds me of people who have fat backsides.
One of my favourite "new words" was coined, I think, for the New York Times competition a few years back.
The word is IGNORANUS - an insult to someone who is ignorant and also... I'm sure you get it!
Very handy.
I like "gription" to indicate non slip friction.

Ex: My new Barnett clutch plates have good gription, but a bad clutch has sliption.
