plumstead said:
It has a single Mikuni VM carb and starts and runs well, with no pinking or misfires. Despite this, and keeping revs below 3500 (cops in NZ use radar from the opposite direction several miles away) it uses 8 litres of fuel per 100km - I've looked at the tuning manual but I'm no mechanic and wonder if anyone can advise on the adjustment? Cheers Rob
Hi Rob, having been through several Mikuni episodes, and the 1st thing is to check the is that enriching choke lever is raised. If that is OK, and the tip of the plunger is visibly down then the fault is inside. You really can't adjust this externally, i.e. carb on the bike. It really needs to come off, stripped and be cleaned and rebuilt. Its not a difficult job, just be patient and keep everything clean and in an orderly manner. The over-rich consumption can be from different sources - enriching choke plunger stuck, float level, plugged air circuit, etc. You'll need a quality carb cleaner aerosol, Nulon is by far the best. Strip the carb right down and clean every jet and every passage way. Check the float height and float needle. If the process is a bit intimidating, you should take the carb to a motorcycle shop, they should understand it, its a basic device. Reftting the carb to the engine is pretty simple, its just a couple of hose clips.