High Temp Paint for barrels

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Jan 21, 2010
Can anybody suggest a good high temp black paint for painting the barrels, many paints I have tried are not rated high enough and start to bubble - many are rated up to 300 degrees C.

What did the factory do, did they stove enamel their barrels?

Thanks again

PJ1 Hight temp Gloss black is good ( hemmings recommends it on the rebuild video) Also found high temp enamel paint at B&Q (Magi Cote or something) works good.
Most engine enamals work OK if you cure them slowly in an oven. You do want to avoid the high temp header paint on a barrel as they are designed to hold the heat instead of dissapating it and will make the motor run hotter. Jim
VHT is a very durable brand. Make sure you get the old cack off the barrels really well. If not sand blasted, use a coarse emery paper on a flat plastic or wood like a school ruler and dig into the fins. Rinse with acetone and hit it it with the wifes hair dryer. Make sure the paint can is well shaken up. I stand it in hot water for 5 minutes to get a better spray and stick. Turn the barrels over to ensure you get a coat equally on upper and lower sides of the fins. A gentle warming cure in the oven for an hour is good too. Food will taste off for a couple of days but hey thats what Pizza is for.

I need to do this too. Which VHT did you use, there are many types. Did you use the primer and the clear coat? I used some HT paint back in the 80's that was not bad, cured them in the oven, made the house smell like paint for a day, but the OL was gone, so it wasn't an issue. However now the barrels are rusty with a bit of paint left and I need to get them blasted and painted again like the original poster.

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