Gandini Piston Rings?

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Brian, I don't know the source of JE's rings, you are right they are not Total Seal, but they are modern thin low tension rings, work well, and last quite along time.

Ken G.
I too am currently installing new Gandini rings in my '74 Commando and find the ring and gap discussion very helpful. Another qustion: Does the oil scraper ring get installed as a unit with the spring in the ring groove or do you put the spring on the piston and then fit the ring over it? I'm thinking it goes on as a unit, but I also wrongly thought the bevel on the compression rings should face toward the bottom.


I installed the spring on the piston then the ring - it was easier that way because a ring expander can only expand the ring, not the spring.
Same here - spring first, then the ring.

No problems - yet - with my ultra-small ring gaps. Changed oil and filter at about 70 miles, will do again at 1000, then it's back to Redline synthetic for me.
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