Gaiter straps BSA Norton Triumph

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The first ones are for BSA fork gaiters. Same as what I replaced on the '64 BSA Cyclone 500 I was working on through this year. You slip the end of the strap into a slot then turn the nut. Kinda like openning a SPAM can.
OHhhh, that's how they work, bent metal tension, so a one shot usage? I saw some boots in my searches that gripped tube enough no strap needed and on my modified Roadholders - tall gaiters compressed to bind about same time as forks bottoms for extra soft bumper stop.
I use a set of those first ones on my Commando. They work well and look the biz. But they're pricey and frankly black cable ties work just as well. But did I mention they look cool?
Tjhe top ones were std on ' pre unit ' Triumphs :p

Can use repeatadly if you just ' snugg ' them down .
You need to bend where it goes through the adjust
bit dead square, and gettem so they wind up half to
three quater of a turn , so backed of you can slip
them down and clear.Maybe 3/4 to 1 plus actually .

Really want plateing & stainless straps , or whatever.
Ancient messed up ones snap the starp at the bend .
But your local sheet metall shop should cut a few Doz.
starps for about 10 cents.A 8 ft lenngth of 1/4 wide
20 G sheet . Wonder if alloy strap would take it . :D
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