I guess this query is more 'pointed' to Nortonfan/ Reg, as his/ your being in the same state , QLD Australia, or even other Australian residents regarding fuel quality.
I know for example that the QLD government, even maybe in conjunction with the Federal government are conducting tests with Ethynol in the fuel around Cairns and its satellites, which includes us.
I have found that if I leave my bike standing or do not use up the tank within a 2 week period.. the bike turns into right DOG!! Even to the point of being bailed up on the side of the road!!!
The only remedy is drain the fuel out and refill with fresh fuel.
I have found BP including the Premium grade the WORST offender..
I have played around with fuel boosters as well (Nulon) and even contacted Nulon on the 1800 number.
I spoke with "Phil" at Union Jack and he made his own suggestions as well.
A work mate replaced the unleaded engine in his Ford 4.1 with a leaded engine and ran in to similar problems with the vehicle running like a Chaff cutter on steroids..
Anyway if I replace the fuel all runs fine.
I have found that Caltex Vortex is the best and Portsmith fuel (Cairns ) are the best..
Many of the boys on classicbike.net , in Australia have not found this problem ~ but most are Strympet riders.. This why I wonder if this is a problem confined to this area. ( I might add this is a tropical area, and temp run around 25-30 deg C as a standard, an high humidity obviously!)
Comments appreciated ~
I know for example that the QLD government, even maybe in conjunction with the Federal government are conducting tests with Ethynol in the fuel around Cairns and its satellites, which includes us.
I have found that if I leave my bike standing or do not use up the tank within a 2 week period.. the bike turns into right DOG!! Even to the point of being bailed up on the side of the road!!!
The only remedy is drain the fuel out and refill with fresh fuel.
I have found BP including the Premium grade the WORST offender..
I have played around with fuel boosters as well (Nulon) and even contacted Nulon on the 1800 number.
I spoke with "Phil" at Union Jack and he made his own suggestions as well.
A work mate replaced the unleaded engine in his Ford 4.1 with a leaded engine and ran in to similar problems with the vehicle running like a Chaff cutter on steroids..
Anyway if I replace the fuel all runs fine.
I have found that Caltex Vortex is the best and Portsmith fuel (Cairns ) are the best..
Many of the boys on classicbike.net , in Australia have not found this problem ~ but most are Strympet riders.. This why I wonder if this is a problem confined to this area. ( I might add this is a tropical area, and temp run around 25-30 deg C as a standard, an high humidity obviously!)
Comments appreciated ~