Fork data required. tie wrap and rule required only

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Sep 26, 2009
I require you lads to help in building a data base.
I want to know how much your fork springs compress during "Normal " road riding .
Data will be used to establish if a spring with a differant poundage would be better, I am considering producing "custom" springs to go with the Lansdowne Damper Kits.

Info required will build up a picture.its a simple task .

Using a nylon tie wrap placed around the stanchion and positioned on the dust seal, a few measurements can be made.

First ;
1, UNLADEN machine sag , [Differance between stood on the centre stand ,and stood on the wheels]

2. RIDER/MACHINE sag. [ Differance between 1-2] plus your weight, a tip toe on the floor is acceptable]

3. ROAD TEST SMOOTH. Here's the fun bit! Try to find a mile or so run with what would be considered a "Smooth" surface [ Not easy in the UK!] avoid deep pot holes,sleeping police men,speed humps etc. and firm braking!

4, SHARP BRAKE TEST/BAD SURFACE. Needs no explanation! .

Please give 1-4 measurements,Machine year and your weight,and if you are using stock springs and stock dampers.

Regards John Lansdowne Eng..aiming to make your bike better.
Standard red paint Commando springs should be 36 lbs per inch,
until coil bound at ~5.5 inches, 1/2" short of full potential fork

According to all reports the common progressive spring set
has rather weaker easy to bottom out rate.

On two factory Combats,

1. Unloaded on tires fork sag is 1/2", forks almost stay topped on damper cap.

2. Add ~170 lb pilot will sag ~1.5 inches.

3. Smooth average road surface motion is up to 1 inch either side
of static sag.

4. Normal hard braking dives forks ~2", panics 3" almost bottoms,
then rear lifts enough to swap ends if staying on it.

A foot forward bar mounted on cross brace reveals
much of what you seek and more than you may want too.

Ms Peel has custom 3 rate spring +plus wonderful
extra soft to extra stiff Ford 8N-9N valve spring spacer.
I got your cartridge kit now to test myself. But will be surprised
and pleased if improves what I already enjoy to the max.
Ms Peel has 6 rates counting the air space. Last two
only function on landings and deep hole or big root strikes.

If you like i can send spring set for your exam or to someone
else to try and measure objectively . Apparently someone
did their home work on this custom set. I got the last
of the batch.

oh yeah, on SV650 tested the fork lift on lane weaving
darts and sure enough the first thing to happen before
anything else is forks expand, and will stay that way until turn
force relieved or brake applied.

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