flasher unit?

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I've had excellent results with an automotive electronic flasher. 12 volt 2 prong, available from any auto parts store.
i too have have great success with a cheapo auto parts flasher with the same configuration as jim mentioned. the one i choose is round and actually fits into the existing flasher bracket. it has worked flawless for three years now. the expensive norton replacement i bought lasted about 2 months and fell apart when i was pushing it into place. save money where you can......
Emgo makes a copy of this relay. I paid $3.70, with tax, from my local Norton guy.

Its probably easier for most to just go to an auto parts store and get a 2-prong flasher.
thanks for all the info. I just finished wiring my bike from scratch, and got everything working except turn signal flashers. I was trying a three prong thinking it would need to beground, you see I am using japan handlebar switch(750 maxim) much better quality,anyway I was going by 650 yamaha, schematic because their very similiar. I will try a two prong today
mcns said:
I just finished wiring my bike from scratch, and got everything working except turn signal flashers. I was trying a three prong thinking it would need to beground,

Depending on the actual type of flasher unit, the third pin may be for a separate feed wire that goes to the flasher warning lamp?: http://www.autoelectricsupplies.co.uk/f ... iagram.jpg

Symbols, numbers or letters next to the pins normally identify the pin function: http://www.vehicle-wiring-products.eu/V ... ashers.php

On some three pin flasher units, the third pin can be left disconnected if the flasher unit is used in a "two pin" flasher system.

Some flasher units may not work with a positive earth/ground system.
Could anyone give us a USA part number on the flasher units that have been working with positive ground Commandos? Thanks.
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