Finned points cover

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Jul 31, 2009
For no reason in particular I want a finned points cover but I can't find any for sale. Does anybody know where I could find one?

They are all over ebay in cycles.
Sometimes 3-4 than none.
Just keep checking ebay.
You would need the finned intake/exhaust rocker covers for a complete match.
I have 2 different designs
RGM type is very modern
Dunstal type matched the rocker box covers
Should think fairspares would have it in stock.
all the best Chris
Chris said:
I have 2 different designs
RGM type is very modern
Dunstal type matched the rocker box covers
Should think fairspares would have it in stock.
all the best Chris

Finned points cover


Sorry I can't post a direct link to the part, their site is a bit funky.
There are two more finned covers available, one more crude
cast with less and thicker rounded profile fins
and a custom set by Sir Eddie in Orgeon selling them to finance
land speed super hi reving Norton 500 twin,
that make the finned one shown above seem like a lunch
break job that was never finished.

I've asked for photo's of Sir Eddies items or will photo
Ms Peels if interested. They are pricey compared but
then best delights are in the fine details.

hobot - too weak to deny Peel anything she wants, when
I can cover the costs.
I would be very interested in seeing the one from "Sir Eddie", I prefer to support those who "fly the Flag" for old British iron.

I have gone a bit "fin-crazy" lately:
Valve covers, Alloy finned rear brake plate and finned Instrument cups (speedo's NEED all the cooling they can get, right?)

I think if I can find the (Dunstall style) points cover I should be allright, I have an email into Phil at Fair Spares regarding the points cover but I have not heard back yet.

The Commando-build is getting stranger by the day, I have named the bike "Commando Bizarro".

Who made these? I got them when I bought the bike in '72 and have never seen any like them. I used to think the un-finned ones were wrong. I wouldn't mind having a timing cover to match.

Finned points cover

I have a set very similar to yours ... maybe a wee bit taller.
I'm pretty sure I got them from Domiracer Dist. in 1974 or 1975.
OK I've a 3rd set, past Ms Peel had those crude cast covers.
With some attention can be made nice enough.
But once you've seen Sir Eddies, you'll think childs
modeling clay looking at yours.
Having digital camera doo doo, one transfer to the next
it won't no more, or I'd photo Peel's Sir Eddie's set already.

He only does them in batches, thinner finer fins with black
out in the hollows and finely polished.
Sir Eddie is almost 80 and lived the crazy bike racer life
and would be doing the land speed him self but for a dear
strike 6-7 year ago that left him in comma for weeks
then stroke like symptoms and horrible balance/vertigo.
He's bounced back even rides a bit I think.

I'd go back to the smooth mirrors for special Peel, if not that her
new ones could actually radiate significant heat.

hobot said:
There are two more finned covers available, one more crude
cast with less and thicker rounded profile fins
and a custom set by Sir Eddie in Orgeon selling them to finance
land speed super hi reving Norton 500 twin,
that make the finned one shown above seem like a lunch
break job that was never finished.

I've asked for photo's of Sir Eddies items or will photo
Ms Peels if interested. They are pricey compared but
then best delights are in the fine details.

hobot - too weak to deny Peel anything she wants, when
I can cover the costs.

I saw Sir Eddies on ebay the last time he made a batch, they are the sweetest by a long long way and still kicking myself I didn't get a set. Maybe there'll be another batch someday?
Rich_j said:
hobot said:
There are two more finned covers available, one more crude
cast with less and thicker rounded profile fins
and a custom set by Sir Eddie in Orgeon selling them to finance
land speed super hi reving Norton 500 twin,
that make the finned one shown above seem like a lunch
break job that was never finished.

I've asked for photo's of Sir Eddies items or will photo
Ms Peels if interested. They are pricey compared but
then best delights are in the fine details.

hobot - too weak to deny Peel anything she wants, when
I can cover the costs.

I saw Sir Eddies on ebay the last time he made a batch, they are the sweetest by a long long way and still kicking myself I didn't get a set. Maybe there'll be another batch someday?

Rumor has that he's tired of making them. Kind of like ARD mags, get them before the old farts stop making them. :mrgreen:
Ugh, I was afraid Sir Ed would burn out on what it took to produce
his covers for such a small cheapskate fickle market.
His main focus while he's still around is his super hi rev
short stroke 500 Norton twin land speed challenger.

I've learned to snag the one of a kind or rare items as
fate exposes them to me. Also had a schizophrenic mentor
that told me when you really find something you like, get TWO.

New Peel will have Al exhaust nuts - for nil mass, thermal expansion
and looks, but only ever saw them once on ebay.
Will have to cut apart Peels 2-1 headers cleavage to place them
but looking forward to it this year.

OH yeah, I helped advise Sir Ed in his brain/spine deer strike
recovery - vetigo, passing out, choking to swallow, breath shortness,
so he traded me a really super duper one of a kind creation of his.

One piece R & L rocker spindle covers-
oil feed cooling design that matches his other machined covers.
Provided special SS dual vent banjo bolt fittings to run oil
gauge from.

Stored from insects, climate and pack rat teeth and urine in sealed
tins till ready to fly.

Peel's rocker spindles are drilled thru so cooling oil feeds in one
side and flows to the other, no external cross over hose.

Peel's engine is Black Body Radiation coated, head, barrel
and cases, ony fin edges, case covers and fasteners shiny

norbsa48503 said:
Here is a Sir Eddy's rocker shaft cover.
Finned points cover

Nice one, just wondering how does the other (rocker oil feed) side looks like?
There is a spot face that clears the spayed double banjo fitting. One of the lines feed rockers and the other line for my oil gage. This machining was done by Eddy they are his castings and he is set up to hold them. He is a good talker and a good listener hard to find these days.
I really like the Chevron point cover, just not a double
taking as Sir Ed machined fine detail.

That rocker spindle shown is a special piece w/o the milled
out fins for a flat seat circle for oil feed banjo bolts.

Peel's has both spindle covers milled out, one for oil in
and other for the oil PSI tap.

Eddy, you can call the shop 503-266-8747
503 266 9626 is the other one. (2 lines)
Mind is sharp but he fusses a bit talking,,,
he gets embarrassed about it
give him a call.

Place cursor on image then tag view image for full photo + blow up. ... cover3.jpg
Finned points cover

I heard back from Phil at Fair Spares today and the only Dunstall-style points cover he's got is damaged (the bike got wrecked) so I'll watch ebay for one.

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