Fate Is The Hunter, read before removed

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We all face close calls by bind luck and unreasonable behavior.
Motorcycler's face almost as much risk and "Wyrdness" as any pilots.
I really only want to face in line tires fates on my Commandos.
Here's a guy who wrote unforgettable book on it.

This is commando related, Rather indirectly perhaps, But still no reason to remove it.
hobot said:
We all face close calls by bind luck and unreasonable behavior.
Motorcycler's face almost as much risk and "Wyrdness" as any pilots.
I really only want to face in line tires fates on my Commandos.
Here's a guy who wrote unforgettable book on it.

Hey there E.e. cUmMiNgS, just exactly what make this a Commando related topic other than the fact that you included the word "Commando" in your post.
Let not us Commando owner/riders be so narcissistic to think that this bike defines riding inline. The Zen of Norton was realized decades before commando was a word. The feedback received from a riding a fine motorcycle is a great topic and the Commando is definitely included, but not exclusive.
That being said, let Wadsworth ride.

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