Exporting a Commando from the UK to the USA?


Sep 25, 2004
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Has anyone have experience exporting a Commando from the UK to the USA? Contacts ? Brokers?
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Some years ago I brought in an ES2 from the UK to USA . While the process was not all that difficult it did have a few surprises. I bought the bike from a dealer and somehow I wound up with two customs agents . IIRC 500 cc was the dividing line for import duties at the time . Also be prepared for inspection fees if US Customs decides to open the container and have a look around ( assuming you are having it travel by ship ) EVERYONE who has freight consigned to that container pays . I think it is a big money maker for Customs . I picked up the crate at a freight forwarding warehouse in Port Elizabeth- you may get charged storage fees .
Also a tip ( bribe ? ) for the forklift operator was necessary to get it on my truck . Nearly a year later I was charged a fee by Customs for some BS . I don’t think my agent(s) did his (their) job completely.
Everyone along the way had their hands out and palm up -
That being said I am glad I did it but ES2’s are not all that common in the USA but as noted by others, Commandos are . Be sure it’s what you want . I’ll message you with my phone number if you want to call me for any more info that may be able to recall .
Good luck
Rick Tool
ES2 can be found in the US also, but as said they are few.
Exporting a Commando from the UK to the USA?
Has anyone have experience exporting a Commando from the UK to the USA? Contacts ? Brokers?
An Internet search will find you several that ship bikes from the UK to US and they appear to be less costly than VA to CA. To me, much more important is that you talk to your local DMV/MVA and find out what it takes to get one registered.

Here's the first one I found: https://www.autoshippers.co.uk/moto...ike to Wellington, New Zealand will cost £411.

BTW, when I lived in Germany and needed to ship two cars back it was WAY less expensive to go through a German Company than a US Company. That may be true UK->US, don't know.
I sold a Commando frame and ancillaries to a member here who lives in Malta. I made the crate and packed it all up, used air freight and it was reasonably affordable and trouble free. I did work for a freight forwarder before joining the Navy and purchasing a space inside an ocean-going container is probably your best bet for a complete bike. Are there any members on here who might happen to live close to where the bike is located who could help Jimbo out a little bit? Even if only showing up at the freight forwarders and talking to them, might help them to go the extra mile in packing it better, maybe taking a couple of snap shots too.Cj
about $1600 quoted to be delivered to Chicago, (with more charges after) heres examples of the packing


I'm looking at bikes in Germany Jimbo and facing the similar issues.
There are so many variables and fees with every twist and turn.
What part of the US are you in?
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I'm looking at bikes in Germany Jimbo and facing the similar issues.
There are so many variables and fees with every twist and turn.
What part of the US are you in?
close to Chicago so that's where the shipping destination was going to be.