Engine offset 3/8”

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Nov 15, 2015
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I installed the vernier isolastics on my 1973 750, the AN ones that don’t require any modifications on the front engine mount, and I don’t remember the offset being so severe. Is this to be expected? Seems like there’s only one way to do it correctly, and I know I put it in the right way. This is on a total rebuild, so maybe I didn’t get all the sequences in order…wondering if loosening the whole cradle and isolastics up would help it to settle into place.
How/where did you measure the 3/8" offset?

I installed the vernier isolastics on my 1973 750, the AN ones that don’t require any modifications on the front engine mount, and I don’t remember the offset being so severe

The front Iso. conversion kit threaded adjuster should be approximately the same width as the original collar so unless something has been installed incorrectly then the cradle offset shouldn't be much different to how it was originally.
I’ll look at it again. The iso/mount assembly fit right into the frame, so maybe it was that far offset originally.
I’ll look at it again. The iso/mount assembly fit right into the frame, so maybe it was that far offset originally.

Did you by any chance arrive at the 3/8" figure after measuring from the cradle to the frame rail on each side and then subtracting one measurement from the other as that would be double the offset (so needs to be divided by 2)?
I used a caliper from the frame tab to the engine mount tab on each side and subtracted the difference. Came up with .32”.
In my 750 shop manual, there's a diagram that shows 1/4" offset between the frame and engine centerlines.
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