Easily obtained coils, anyone?

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Jan 13, 2009
Hello again.

As you all know, I've finally managed to start tinkering around with my '72 750 commando. I know it's been sitting for the last 7 years, though I would slowly kick it over every couple of months, just to keep things loose. How long the PO let it sit, I have no idea.

I'm doing some basic stuff now, just to see if I can get it to start. I've put a new battery in, fixed the wiring as best I knew how, replaced the old rectifier with the 4 prong fancy model, and installed new plug wires. I'll be getting new plugs in the morning. The bike has 2 12volt coils on it now. I want to replace these with some easily obtainable coils (ala auto zone etc).

What should I ask for? Just generic 12 volt coils? I'd appreciate any advice


I have a '72 also. The stock Lucas coils are supposed to be 6 volt (with a ballast resistor if still using the points setup). Does it have electronic ignition or points (contact breakers)?

Do you have a manual yet? You will need one eventually even though there is a lot of help here.

12v coil

I put a Dyna 12v coil on my bike. There's a pic and some wiring info at Old Britts.


I have a Boyer MkIII system, but apparent;y the 3 ohm Dyna coil will work with points, too. It's a neat installation because the holes for the bracket for your ballast resistor, etc match up perfectly with the mounting holes in the coil. I just bought a couple of long-ish bolts at the hardware store, and make spacers using a stack of rubber plumbing washers.

My bike usually starts on one or two kicks with this coil, unless I flood it or something daft like that.
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