Use a bulb holder with an earth wire soldered to either the side or that has an earth already attached. Is this so called chronometric speedo an original Smiths or an Indian copy?
Hi Bernhard, it's the real M'Coy, an original Smiths,. Would you happen to know if there is a tiny screw for the alloy circular dish that sits underneath the headlamp switch, PRS8, as there is a small hole in the headlamp shell, David
The speedo light doesn't need a separate earth on a chronometric as it earths directly to the speedo case through the bulb holder.
If your light isn't working (obviously check the bulb first), then it's probably the earthing of the speedo case that's the issue.
Hi David, There should not be a small hole in the PRS8 bezel, its been put there to help restrain the switch body from turning as the plastic thread is weak and strips if tightened enough to feel secure. Probably had a tiny screw going through to the plastic switch .
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