Early Commando and Atlas rocker line routing

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Jan 23, 2012
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Any chance anyone has a photo of how the original Commando and Alas rocker lines were routed ? Can use a modern lines of course but wanted to keep the originals initially. I have one of each and they have been bent way out of original shape, thinking it was to clear the distributors.
Any chance anyone has a photo of how the original Commando and Alas rocker lines were routed ? Can use a modern lines of course but wanted to keep the originals initially. I have one of each and they have been bent way out of original shape, thinking it was to clear the distributors.
I have pictures but cannot post.
I cannot give you a picture without pulling my fuel tank, but I can give you a verbal description.

As you probably know, the Atlas rocker lines terminate in banjos, one on either side of the head, on the TOP of the head. These lines are about 1/8 inch ID. Looking down from the top, (visualize the fuel tank removed), the lines resemble a horseshoe, the open end of the shoe is where the banjos mount to the head. At the closed end of the shoe, the lines tee to a straight section about 2 inches in length (IIRC). This straight section runs rearward dead along the bike's centerline, then transitions to a flexible tube. I routed the flex tube between the Amals ( do not remember if that was original, but it is cleaner). The flex tube transitions back to a rigid tube of diameter equal to the horseshoe part; this rigid section is about 3 inches long, and located at the banjo where the scavenge oil enters the oil tank. Originally the 3 inch straight section pointed vertically up.


Early Commando and Atlas rocker line routing
oh, you did say early...
Any chance anyone has a photo of how the original Commando and Alas rocker lines were routed ? Can use a modern lines of course but wanted to keep the originals initially. I have one of each and they have been bent way out of original shape, thinking it was to clear the distributors.
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