Dunstall Decibel replica comparison

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Im wanting to get some decibel style silencers for my 850 commando but i have no idea which ones. There are so many different styles of replica so im looking for peoples own experience. Primarily im after the ones with the best note, nice and barky. What do you recommend. Im in Australia too.


Ha, that's a hard one to call but one of the delights of rally's to taste the various sizes and notes of mufflers, though megaphones tend to magnify pleasantly or beyond. Original Decibels have plate at beginning of the end straight section with 2" center pipe threaded hole that a 6 tube cluster screws into then a soup can cover that reverses flow to back up and exit around can rim. That thing makes the end rather heavy for extra wear on the rubber mounts and stiffles both sound and power. Supertrap replacement does about the same thing, softens note to fart like and adds a lot of mass to bounce around way out from mounts. IIRC there was also internal tube with screen holes too but rusted to pieces to basically fell out. So one of the best sounds to me was this hollow mega with just a flat end plate with 2" hole blasted through. Soft deep puffs at low throttle. that roar with a straight through jets seen about a foot out the exit. W/o any baffle plate it was too dam loud even for me and worried about being hunted d/t waking farmers and disturbing their cattle and horses and dogs to stamped. Oh yeah once I got it set like this the power spike awoke from off idle to over redline, so much so I could not thoughtlessly snap WOT in lower gears w/o ending up on back of seat hump - tail light mount.

The best sounding set up I've heard was Jim Comstocks 880 with 2-1-2 shorting megaphones but they are pretty special ones with complex baffle inside and likely SS to boot. Some the shorties at rallys sound too barky raspy to me. Might call some Brit Iron vendors and ask what their buyers seem to go for the most in megphones but its hard to beat the over all sound and performance of good ole PeaShooters. Megaphones mess with the tuning a good bit and mine was a loud obnoxious slow dog at first till the hole sized right.
I've got a pair of Replicas sitting here that you can try out. Good look, good fit and amazing sound. They came from British Spares NZ, but I think BJ's in Brisbane have them as well.
call Mick on 040 968 9403 (Port Melbourne)
I think I`ve got what you`re looking for, if you send me an e mail I`ll send you some photos. They did work well on Nortons, Dunstall was a Norton man after all.
Personally, we`ve only used them on 650 Yamaha twins and they work brilliantly well - they really improve the breathing and unleash a lot of extra power, particularly above 5,000rpm where the exhaust note turns positively electrifying
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