Donington Norton Day 2009

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Apr 5, 2006
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Thought some of you who could'nt get there might appreciate some (all be it phone) pictures, just to give you a taste of the weekend.

Goto : 2009/

Despite some, um err, how shall I say, 'iffy' organisation & communication :oops: .... I had a great time along with fellow Oxford NOC branch member Paul. The Saturday night dinner organised by the new Norton motorcycle company was fantastic - it was worth some of the less complimentary comments from some of the other campsite inhabitants as I got togged up :lol:
Looks like it was a good time.

Any word about what happened at IOM? Norton was supposed to compete, but apparently was a no-show. They even were going to have Michael Dunlop ride for them, and I know he was there, as he won Supersport Race 2, and placed second in both Lightweight (250cc) races. William also competed, and placed well in several races.
Any word about what happened at IOM?

As I understand (& I may not be totally correct), they had engine problems 9 miles out into the first qualifier. The 2nd qualifier was cancelled due to time contraints (I think) & therefore they did'nt get a chance to qualify using their reserve bike - which I saw & heard whizzing around at Donington :P
Rode up on the Friday and here a few pics. Great day especially the track sessions but bit wobbly first session out (not a lot better in the second either!) Also have some on bike video from session 13 (11 mins), parade racebikes (Norman White mostly) and road bikes taken from Redgate stands. Having trouble editing down and converting to Youtube/Photobucket format. I have done it before but can't remember what I used or how I did it. If anyone has suggestions I'll try and put these up somewhere. ... 19%202009/
Great videos Keith, especially the onboard one. You rode it much the same as me, i.e. easy into the corners (did'nt know what the others were going to do!) then wring its neck out of them :twisted:
Great videos Keith, especially the onboard one. You rode it much the same as me, i.e. easy into the corners (did'nt know what the others were going to do!) then wring its neck out of them
Which day were you there? Yes it seemed most were trying to back off in the corners to get a run out of them. I was running in too close some of the time and it seemed safer to stay clear especially since our lines were all over the place!
Cassington Monday?
Which day were you there?

Friday thru to Sunday early morning. Did 2 track parades on Friday, watched the racing on Saturday.
Yes to Cassington, only down the road for me !
good videos Keith, I spoke to you about your bike when you were waiting to go on the track. It looks well and by the look of your tacho, it wasn't slipping it's clutch like mine did on the track.
Good fun though and i'll have my roadster in better nick next time!
The fairing you have, is it Norvil item?

(big guy with silver hair- won't narrow it down much)!
Sorry guys I thought it was a big dissapointment! Nil organisation or facilities and no "mass Norton" run or display which to me was a major drop off! I'm afraid a bunch of guys wobbling round Donnington didn't do it for me. And they ran out of beer on the Thursday night for gods sake! Oh and the new Norton leaves many many unanswered questions. Sorry guys a big must try better for this one!! A long trip from Scotland for 2 days of disorganisation didn't make me happy. In fairness though I did hear that Saturday night was good.
We had a great rime at our meeting the following weekend though, only 30 Nortons but quality rather than quantity!
Vid at
Ah, Scotland. The land where men are men and sheep look very very scared !

It looks great and the Flying Gerbil has told me that it's compulsory for next year. Let's just hope that he doesn't break his w****ing hand again ! :lol:

I'd booked a week's leave for Donnington but the pre-event publicity put me off. All the "NOC and Norton Motors " BS. It pains me to say it, I've been an NOC member for more than half my life. I fell out with the chairman once before when they started toadying up to a previous owner of the trademark.

They'll never equal the Stanford Hall Norton Day. That was the right event at the right time.
Gino Rondelli said:
Sorry guys I thought it was a big dissapointment! Nil organisation or facilities and no "mass Norton" run or display which to me was a major drop off! I'm afraid a bunch of guys wobbling round Donnington didn't do it for me. And they ran out of beer on the Thursday night for gods sake! Oh and the new Norton leaves many many unanswered questions. Sorry guys a big must try better for this one!! A long trip from Scotland for 2 days of disorganisation didn't make me happy. In fairness though I did hear that Saturday night was good.
We had a great rime at our meeting the following weekend though, only 30 Nortons but quality rather than quantity!
Vid at

Hi Gino, Are you the the guy from the smallest city in the world? You are right about some of the problems with the day up there, as the mass Norton bit and the factory were meant to be on the agenda and the whole thing was spread out to much, but I enjoyed myself and had a decent couple of days. Getting ideas about what to do to the bike now, and may go for a bigger tank and seat+ screen to make the roadster a bit better over distance. need to get about a bit more!
Mind how you go!
Gino, is the Applecross Norton do an annual event? It looks very enjoyable. Nice video.
i didn t go to Donington because i am not in for hero worshipping (a unique opportinity to spend an evening with the race team.....)but i did go to Applecross (2600km of lovely roads)and i will be back Gino
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