DLC coated JS pins from Kenny's racer

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Nov 26, 2009
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The pins in the photo below are from Kenny's racer after a few wins up to the point where he broke his crank. You can see that the coated pins and internal small rod end surfaces are in perfect shape with no wear whatsoever. The small ends of the rods show oil stain only - there is no evidence of metal to metal contact. So who needs bronze bushings? - Its just dead weight.

The crank had already suffered fatigue from several racing seasons with heavy, bronze bushed Steel rods and standard/full weight racing pistons before switching out to the recently available lightweight JS pistons & rods. The violence and stresses caused by the shaking forces increases exponentially with RPM. Reducing piston & upper rod weight helps to avoid or at least postpone expensive crankshaft destruction.


Jim Schmidt

DLC coated JS pins from Kenny's racer

DLC coated JS pins from Kenny's racer
Got your pistons and rods up to $nuff. Valve train 1/3 mass via BSA adaptations.
Special heads now available. Guess that still leaves the dang ole crank as weakest link again.
We have Jim's pistons rods and rings and modded cam followers.
We have Steve's cases and jugs and cranks.
We have Fullauto's head.
We can empty the wallet further with a Quaife box.
More than a couple of choices to tie engine and box
New brakes, again no problem.
THe list goes on and on.

No need for anything from Norton except maybe
a set of decals.

Maybe not to bother, it ain't a Norton by a long chalk!
Comstock's EFI has fielded long term, add it to list of better than Norton Norton.
TT Industries has variety of bullet proof transmission$
Sealed chains better than sliced bread.
Lighter strong alloys for most of the old fashioned stuff.
LED lights, and likely super magnets in alternator rotor for 600 watt juicer to run pumps and data logging and solenoids and heaters and radar detectors, GPS.
Better isolastic system?
hobot said:
Comstock's EFI has fielded long term, add it to list of better than Norton Norton.
TT Industries has variety of bullet proof transmission$
Sealed chains better than sliced bread.
Lighter strong alloys for most of the old fashioned stuff.
LED lights, and likely super magnets in alternator rotor for 600 watt juicer to run pumps and data logging and solenoids and heaters and radar detectors, GPS.
Better isolastic system?
I second the tt box I use one on the manx and its by far the best and trouble free. Nice to see things looking good jim, Can't get any better work out then on the track.
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