Suffered my first breakdown today while out plug chopping. He just died in mid stride. Tried to kick him back to life and after four trys I smelled gas but there was obviously no spark. Had the Boyer given up the ghost? Checked the headlight and pilot which didn't work and pulled the fuse which had blown. Why? Had a whole box of spares so I fitted one, he came to life and I rolled home on eggs. At home I checked around and found the pilot still didn't work. Voltmeter showed no power. Went to the bats nest of wires under the tank and sure enough the brown/green really loose in it's connection. Put some weathertights on the brown green and all appears well. But why would a loose connection blow the fuse as opposed to being intermittent? Hope I've solved my problem but am sorta waiting for the other shoe to drop if you know what I mean. Anyway we're in for 6" of rain the next two days and I'm going to go over every connection on the bike and install weathertights. Have a great weekend everyone! Rick