CRA Belt drive

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Apr 15, 2009
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I'm going to foolishly start a belt drive topic and see if it actually produces the results I want. :mrgreen:

Clubman Racing offers a Commando belt drive for a reasonable price.

Commando 1969-74 -Includes two pulleys and a 32MM AT10 belt. The factory clutch center and plates from your clutch are retained to keep the cost down and ensure replacement parts are readily available. - #C300 - $429.00
CRA Belt drive

I would like to hear from anyone who has actually bought and used this item.
RGM also offers a reasonably priced belt drive for even less.

£ 220.00

Which is $327 before shipping.

CRA Belt drive
Hi Dave,
I purchased my belt drive from Clubman Racing three or four years ago. I had just a little hassle during installation (the belt was somewhat shorter than the chain, so the tranny had to be tilted more forward which then caused a little clearence problem between the clutch basket and inner cover), a little grinding later, problem solved. I also took a file to the woodruff key in the crankshaft (just looking for that perfect fit). I also respaced the stator on its studs (again, looking for that perfect fit).
No second transmission adjuster is provided with the kit, but this has caused me no problems. To get things lined up and spaced properly I recommend temporarily removing the inner cover during installation. By doing that you will be able more easily get things correctly aligned and/or spaced.
Another thing to consider is that the kit will up your primary drive ratio. I was already running an extra tooth on the front, so I dropped back 2 teeth (maybe it was 3), anyway a short session with a calculator and you can get it right where you want it..
Also took the opportunity to install dyno Dave's clutch rod seal.
I'm glad I did the conversion, I haven't had to touch it since, clutch action is nice and light (no dragging or slipping), and no oil leaks.
I can't say for sure, but I believe the CRA belt drive kit is the RGM kit, CRA is in Connecticut, RGM is UK, shipping costs may make the final price more equal.

Ok Dave,
I put on a RGM unit on few week ago. The is a high quality kit.
That being said, This kit require 95% preparation to the actual 5% installation. Making and applying the left hand adjuster is the first part, although some say it is optional, it is a good thing. Research this part thoroughly. Secondly is squaring the output shaft to crank shaft. I used the two square method were as a carpenter square is applied to the clutch hub and a combination square put on the crank hub. Hold them so that the legs protruding become parallel. Adjust the tranny to a slight,1/16 to 1/8 open at the end of the parallel point of the square.

Please be advised it this point that the belt is rather shorter then the chain and I had to bring tranny in toward the motor a good ½ inch. So when you are squaring up, have the kit on hand or you will have to do it all over. You have to get this right because it is almost impossible to get to the left hand adjuster after the inner is in place. The button headed bolts on the back of the new hub may hit the rise in the inner casting. Just grind a little off the heads. Their not going anywhere anyhow.

If you are running a 21 sprocket and like it, you may want to go to 20 at this time, although it is sutble and I do not mind it. Your new head steady will make it nice at low RPMs around town.

While you are at it get a fresh felt for the inner at the output shaft and pre lube it.

Things seem to change so make sure the inner case is square to the crankcase face again. Add some of these “060399 3/8" Washer Shim, .027" Thick” if needed. I did.

When all is said and done, you will then realize just how effective your XS650 valve is. But that’s ok because this belt can be run wet or dry. Good thing.

Another precaution is to get the belt adjusted loose enough. An inch play cold as recommended may not be enough. These hubs swell when heated up, so check it after each run for a while. If you have a rear set, you can pop the outer on and off with ease and wipe that spot under the crank hub.
This has been my choice for belt drives. I have two from Clubman and one from RGM. Had to work on the RGM clutch sprocket a bit to get enough diaphram spring travel but that was some years back and hopefully has been rectified by now. The belt on one of my bikes has been used since 91 and has over 60,000 miles. Jim
geo46er said:
I can't say for sure, but I believe the CRA belt drive kit is the RGM kit, CRA is in Connecticut, RGM is UK, shipping costs may make the final price more equal.


There is no way that the shipping from England is $100. I bet you could overnite it for $100 though.
Belt primary for the past 13 years now, running a 20 tooth sprocket is right for me.
Remember you will need to loosen the rear chain further first when installing to provide enough slack
when you move the gearbox forward to fit the belt.

Yes the baskets and the engine plates heat up will take some slack out of a cold belt.

However, my own feeling is that the installation instructions error on the side of too much belt slack.
Because the pull is across the top, the bottom of the belt is quite loose and, in case, was actually
slapping the bottom of the primary.
I have total up and down slack in the top belt run in the middle at a little over 30mm, instead of the
40mm the instructions said.
It just makes good sense to install a left side threaded grearbox adjustor being that is the drive side,
belt or chain fitted regardless, and makes truing the belt run easier and more solid I think.
swooshdave said:
geo46er said:
I can't say for sure, but I believe the CRA belt drive kit is the RGM kit, CRA is in Connecticut, RGM is UK, shipping costs may make the final price more equal.


There is no way that the shipping from England is $100. I bet you could overnite it for $100 though.

My total was $412.26 and the price has not changed since then. 278 GBP
pvisseriii said:
swooshdave said:
geo46er said:
I can't say for sure, but I believe the CRA belt drive kit is the RGM kit, CRA is in Connecticut, RGM is UK, shipping costs may make the final price more equal.


There is no way that the shipping from England is $100. I bet you could overnite it for $100 though.

My total was $412.26 and the price has not changed since then. 278 GBP

278 GBP included shipping?
Hi again Dave,
Give CRA a call, the guy I talked with seemed like a real nice guy, ask him where they get their kit from. When I purchased my belt drive they were only $389.00 (I think). I commented to the guy that I thought the price was very reasonable, thats when he told me that they were soon going to increase their prices on them.

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