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Well done!

Yeah man, what a bunch loose ends to bring together for a long in tooth motorcycyle that pleases and teases like no other. Adds some spice to life for all of us to see and everyone else you leave a delicious old impression on.
Good to see a Norton being cared for in Italy. You must be up north where the white stuff falls. Enjoy riding it before you get too involved with restoration.
BTW. Those N4C plugs are too cold for your bike. Hence the black look. If you don't ride it like a racer use N9YC or equivalent.
kerinorton said:
Good to see a Norton being cared for in Italy. You must be up north where the white stuff falls. Enjoy riding it before you get too involved with restoration.
BTW. Those N4C plugs are too cold for your bike. Hence the black look. If you don't ride it like a racer use N9YC or equivalent.

Just for info, snow falls in sufficient quantities to enable ski resorts to be practicable to the south of Perugia and Ancona, which is about 1/2 way down.
A friend has a villa in Sarnarno which has a ski lodge about 10 mins away, on the Sotto Grosso
Looking at the mountains to the south, they may be similarly endowed.

Lovely bike, snow and shine just makes it look even better.
kerinorton said:
Good to see a Norton being cared for in Italy. You must be up north where the white stuff falls. Enjoy riding it before you get too involved with restoration.
BTW. Those N4C plugs are too cold for your bike. Hence the black look. If you don't ride it like a racer use N9YC or equivalent.
Thanks Derek - I follow your sparks suggestion, before jump on it for road tests- also Piero advised me that sparks aren't right, but as you said, I am too much involved by the restoration works, sacrificing the pleasure of a ride, but before, I must test extensively the brakes , suspensions and affidability --don't forget that my carbs are a strange couple, one 930 28 an one 930 31, waiting for new 932- I have prefered the 932/35 and 36, to the first serie 932/ 29-30, the intakes manifolds are the 32, what is your opinion on this choice??

Snow here on North East Italy, can be a problem in December -March -
but the real problem can be the Siberian wind called BORA
few years ago, the wind gusts was arrived to 182 km/h speed, roof hold up, but chimney was very stressed, my heavy tools sheed, go 50cm forward - now I have secured it, to the house wall
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