Commando gearbox

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Jan 27, 2009
Hi from Oz. On my Mark 11A Commando the kickstart lever had no pressure but was not falling down. Suspecting the spring or pawl were faulty I pulled off the outer cover to find them OK but the mainshaft nut was only finger tight and 1st & 2nd gear [both main & lay] had teeth missing. I have pulled out 1st & one 2nd and gently tried to pull out the other 2nd gear. Question: Do I need to take off the primary to remove 2nd gear?
Hi there, you can dismantle all the gearbox pinions , without touching the primary side , except the sleeve gear and the mainshaft, cause they are held through the clutch drum by a nut .......just need to undo the forks spindle.Wet frog.
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