Coast Run

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Apr 15, 2009
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So I took a little ride today. It was about time I got some miles on the bike.

Coast Run

Coast Run

I headed out to Astoria, along the way I stopped in Ranier, near there is the only bridge that crosses the Columbia until Astoria. You can see Mt. St. Helens in the background and the very tip of Mt. Ranier.

Coast Run

The next stop was a small state park. Had to stretch to you know.

The bike started to pop when I closed the throttle. Which means an air leak. Amazingly, even though I Loctited the manifold bolts one came loose. When I stopped for gas I snugged it up and the bike ran much better.

Coast Run

Then a stop south of Seaside.

Coast Run

This is looking south along the coast towards Manzanita.

Coast Run

And here is from Manzanita looking back up north to were the previous picture was taken.

Coast Run

I stopped out on the pier at Garbaldi, the main fishing town on the Tillamook Bay.

Coast Run

A little further south I stopped and visited an old friend in Bay City. It was a chance to catch up and also rest my weary bum. :mrgreen: I originally met him when I would visit my relatives on the coast and ask around about Nortons. He has a nice 71 Roadster. Gotta keep in touch with the Norton friends.

And then I headed back home. It was a long ride, about 250 miles. Aside from the loose manifold the bike was perfect. The night before I went though and checked all the bolts. Tightened anything I could. With the big tank you don't have to stop at every gas station along the way, although I did stop to stretch anyways.

Yes, the seat is firm and a stock seat would have been much more comfortable. But what I really would have liked would be the fairing. Maybe next summer.

I put in ear plugs at the start of the ride but I had to take them out at some point as I missed hearing the bike. Something about the roar as you go through the gears is reassuring.

It was cool at the coast, but it usually is. I couldn't wait to get inland to the warmer temperatures. My mesh/leather jacket is really good in the heat, not so much in the cool.

I haven't keep track of how many mile I've put on the bike since I started riding. If I had known that I was going to ride 250 miles today I probably would have never done it (although I've done the same route in a car many times). Let's see where next weekend takes me...
I think I saw another Commando in Seaside. It was going north. I was tempted to turn around and chase him down. :mrgreen:
Nice day on the coast! How was that road from Tillamook back into Portland? Some of the old coast roads are great for riding.

rvich said:
Nice day on the coast! How was that road from Tillamook back into Portland? Some of the old coast roads are great for riding.


No bad roads in Oregon.
pelican said:
Isn't astoria where they made the goonies :mrgreen:

Yes. The bike was stuttering too much as I went through Astoria to stop and take pictures. Next time, I promise.
That is one sweet loop! I was up there a couple of times on windsurfing trips, Manzanita beach stands out, I had a good session there. It's really is amazing how good your roads are, literally night and day difference as soon as you cross the border to the Golden State. I am really glad to see you got her sorted and your putting some quality miles in. Not only were the gods shining down on you, but the elusive sun was out on the coast!
Your one lucky dude!
Wow, a most excellent post swooshdave !!! :D Luv all the pics and with the Norton in em'; it's like icing on the cake. I made it to Portland once in my life, and I still think that city was the most beautiful and cleanest I've ever been in. Ditto for the state IMO. I think we took the same road from Portland on a day trip to Rockaway Beach; be nice to ride the Norton there someday. I'm envious, and think you are one lucky guy, cheers !
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