CNW crankcase breather - does it produce a sound ?

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Richard Tool

Aug 3, 2019
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Hi all - while riding the Commando today I heard ( and my hearing is terrible) a very faint buzzing- sounded almost like an exhaust leak or head gasket -
checked everything over and all good . Rode it again and still there at higher rpm and it dawned on me that perhaps it is the reed valve CNW breather.
Can anyone confirm this - is yours audible?
Tell me I’m not imagining things (again)
Thanks - RT
Never noticed it on mine. Not sure I'd be able to hear it over the exhaust.
it really sounds like a long fart. :p like your crop dusting down the stairs. LOL
I only hear about 100 cicadas ringing in my ears all at once. Too many shotgun shells and rifle rounds.
Tinnitus has now set in.
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I can't imagine hearing much of anything over the engine and exhaust noise. Yes I have the cNw breather. It is great..
it really sounds like a long fart. :p like your crop dusting down the stairs. LOL
I only hear about 100 cicadas ringing in my ears all at once. Too many shotgun shells and rifle rounds.
Tinnitus has now set in.

A 'squeaky' fart to be more precise ;)
If you would ever experience the incredible sound system in Comstocks shop (Jim of course developed this breather), I would say its quite possible that some of that would have found its way into the parts and it will play some vintage Rock.....

but otherwise, no, the breather should not be making any sound
The non return breather valve on my B44 makes duck quack sounds when the engine is kicked over, silent at engine running speeds.
If you leave the oil cap off and kick slowly you can hear a very distinctive reed ’wheeze’

This has affectionately become known as the breather fart!
I had a slight leak between the timing chest into the hole where the ignition wires came out of the crank case. On start up it would spit a tiny bit of oil out, when I shut the bike off I could hear air being sucked back into the timing case. The sound did resemble a long fart. Turns out there was a slight indentation in the case in that area. I did some Dremel work and repaired it with JB weld. No problems since. If anything it shows how effective that breather is. Not saying thats what is going on with you but it’s something to consider.
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