Clutch Centre Nut Retaining Method

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Aug 5, 2017
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On the 72 i have (February Build) the clutch retaining nut is locked by a tab, but according the AN it should be retained using a spring washer??
Both are perfectly fine means of locking the nut ... stick to what is currently there or use the correct device as indicated
Or doesn't it make any difference in the scheme of things??

Thank you
The tab washer is problematic. The metal is soft. Easily squished and can cause a wee bit of slop between itself and the mainshaft nut. This leads to clutch issues.
Or doesn't it make any difference in the scheme of things??
Thank you[/QUOTE]

The tab washers aren't the best:(, the tip I got from this site works well, belville washer dab of locktite and reduce the torque to 43 ftlbs o_O gives circlip on the shaft a chance.
Drill the nut and loctite then lockwire through the holes in the clutch centre and the holes drilled in the nut
That way you dont need huge torque on the nut and it makes it easier to remove at a later date if necessary.
Regards Mike
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