Clutch Adjuster Nut

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Aug 7, 2005
I'm trying to tear down the clutch on my '74 Commando but am not having any luck loosening the Adjuster Nut. It's in 4th gear and the brake is set but the clutch just slips when applying torque to the nut. I've tried penetrating oil, heat, and shocking it. Are there any other tricks to getting it off?
Thanks, Mike
Hi there, I know I am a bit a sailor man , but I put a wood wedge between chain and drum sprocket, just clean the small pieces of wood then after , in the navy we don't do a lot of , but we do it 2 cents.
I don't think he means the mainshaft nut. It is the nut on the adjuster screw - the diaphram spring is turning. I usually shock it off by putting a wrench on it and then hitting the wrench sharply with hammer. An air impact tool is probably more proper but not many of us have them.

batrider said:
I don't think he means the mainshaft nut.

If it is clutch slip, then doing as marinatlas suggested would help, but I agree that it is likely to be the diaphragm spring turning.
thanks guys. I got it with an impact driver, more heat and penetrating oil. It had never been off before so was it was on tight. Any idea of how tight to torque it back down when I finish cleaning the plates?
The adjuster nut is just a jam nut, so its only purpose is to keep the adjuster nut from backing off. You should not need to do more than snug it.
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