Close ratio commando transmission

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Sep 15, 2014
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I acquired a close ratio Norton transmission some time ago and I am trying to ID the manufacturer. There is an R stamped into the gears but other than that I haven't a clue as to who made them. I wish to sell it but want to be able to inform any prospective buyer as much information as I can. I would post pictures but I am having nothing but grief trying to post, so I gave up trying.

John in Texas
Probably Quaffie John, I'm only saying this because they are or were the most popular "back in the day"
Is it a 4 speed or speed close ratio cluster?

Is it a complete gearbox or just the gear set?
Regards Mike
I have a 4 speed close ratio gearbox, the gears were made in America and I paid $700 and used my own shafts. First gear is higher than a Manx first, so not good for clutch starts in a race. It is magic compared with a standard commando box.
It's a 4 speed. I have the whole transmission not just the gears. Took it apart to check things out and tat is when I discovered it was a close ratio.
I took some pictures with standard AH marked gears on one side and the R marked gears on the other.
I won't take it apart again to count teeth. As I said if I could figure out how post pictures to access Norton I would, but for some reason I can't.
You need to post the pics to a free pic hosting site, like photobucket etc,
and then post the links to the pics here.

Note that unless you make a special effort, all your pics will be public,
so everyone can see your family snaps and pet poodle or cat or tiger or boa constrictor, etc....

Quaife gears are all marked AH. I have seen to much of them recently :D
Seems the ones marked "R" are somebody elses. Cant remember what RGM#s gears have on them.

Rohan said:
You need to post the pics to a free pic hosting site, like photobucket etc,
and then post the links to the pics here.

Note that unless you make a special effort, all your pics will be public,
so everyone can see your family snaps and pet poodle or cat or tiger or boa constrictor, etc....

I have photobucket and I guess I'm a complete luddite because I have tried to follow the instructions on Access Norton but the screens it shows aren't the ones that come up on my computer. I would expect that the program has "improved" since it was posted I don't know.
If I were to pay for the VIP member, would the posting of pictures be any easier?
Chris said:
Quaife gears are all marked AH.

Standard gears are also marked AH. :?

N0rt0nelectr@ said:
I have photobucket and I guess I'm a complete luddite because I have tried to follow the instructions on Access Norton but the screens it shows aren't the ones that come up on my computer. I would expect that the program has "improved" since it was posted I don't know.

Whatever you see, it's the IMG code of the image that you need to insert into your message.
RGM, Five Star and Barton (and probably others) all made close ratio 4-speed gearsets for the AMC gearbox that used a combination of standard Norton gears and custom gears. All the Quaife gearsets I've seen used all Quaife gears. At a guess, the R is for RGM. I have a couple non-Quaife close ratio 4-speed clusters on the shelf. I'll take at them later today and see if any have an R on the gears.

Just pulled out the two 4-speed CR sets I have, one from RGM and one a combo of Barton and Norton gears. The Barton gears have no markings on them, and the RGM gears have CL stamped on them with a 3-digit number after the CL (CL134 on the kickstart first gear). I wouldn't put too much into these markings. They are all from a long time back, and RGM could use different markings now.

This is a table showing all the info I have on 4-speed AMC ratios. You might be able to get some idea of what you have by looking at the gear tooth counts.

Close ratio commando transmission

N0rt0nelectr@ said:
It's a 4 speed. I have the whole transmission not just the gears. Took it apart to check things out and tat is when I discovered it was a close ratio.
I took some pictures with standard AH marked gears on one side and the R marked gears on the other.
I won't take it apart again to count teeth. As I said if I could figure out how post pictures to access Norton I would, but for some reason I can't.
Close ratio commando transmission
Close ratio commando transmission
Close ratio commando transmission
Can't tell you what it is but it's definitely not an Quaife set.
Counting the teeth in your picture, it looks like you have one of the Norvil PR close ratio 4-speeds. The gears you show on the right are 15/27 first gear, 20/22 second gear, 22/20 third gear, and ?/19 fourth gear. You don't show the sleeve gear, but it pretty much has to be 23T. I've not seen any other sleeve gear tooth count that works with a 19T layshaft gear. Not sure who actually made those. I've always assumed it was Quaife, but it could have been the factory.

lcrken said:
Counting the teeth in your picture, it looks like you have one of the Norvil PR close ratio 4-speeds. The gears you show on the right are 15/27 first gear, 20/22 second gear, 22/20 third gear, and ?/19 fourth gear. You don't show the sleeve gear, but it pretty much has to be 23T. I've not seen any other sleeve gear tooth count that works with a 19T layshaft gear. Not sure who actually made those. I've always assumed it was Quaife, but it could have been the factory.

Close ratio commando transmission

As you can see it has 23T on the sleeve gear.
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