Checking for a bent frame

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Mar 5, 2010
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I suspect that frame on my bike is bent.

Is there a way to check the frame without taking the whole bike apart ? If so, has anyone had any luck straightening a frame without taking the whole bike apart ?

The problem may have been caused when I dropped the bike about 15 years ago ( 5:30 am. it's dark. there was a drill truck and a car on the right side of a freeway on ramp, looked like an accident. I moved to the left and instantly wound up sliding on my ass. A pail of oil had fallen off the truck, bounced off the car hood, and ended up on the left side of the ramp.). The bike landed on the right side. The bike rode fine all these years and has been all over the country. I took it apart this winter and after putting it back together I have a lot more vibration. The left front isolastics are 0.010" on the bottom and tight on top.

About only way I know to check assembled, is how easy and square
it fits together. Then try to figure out how it could be off and
some brutal yet non destructive way to force things just so.

As you state even if tweaked good most Cdo's ride just fine,
until stuff wears out. Check squareness of the front tabs
and mount ends.

You could try one of the modern type set up that they electronicly measure all of the data points, or

with a bit of dismantling, steering head, front iso mount, rear mudguard, and wheel, place a 1/2" rod 3foot long through iso mount,25mm bar 4 foot long through steering head bearings, you can then measure from rear iso bolt centers to front rod, a straight edge on the backwheel should eye up parallel with the bar through the steering head,or you could place 3foot bar through the swing arm forks and see if it lines up with the front engine mount rod.
It wont tell whats bent only that it is bent.
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