Can you identify this cam?

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Jan 15, 2008
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Megacycle did an evaluation on it, and here are the numbers.

Can you identify this cam?

They also included a note, the cam can be used with flat followers, and it doesn't match SS or SSS specs.

It is factory stamped "S", then a second "S" is hand-etched on it.

I'd sure like to know it's pedigree, and from the analysis results, what kind of performance to expect, relative to a stock 850 cam, and relative to a Megacycle 560 cam which seems to be the most popular upgrade.
Paul , I just left Leo at motorwerks . Told him of your cam question and he said he'd try to get on here , have a look at the specs and see if he recognizes it . If nothing else he can give you an idea of what to expect performance -wise .

That looks very much like a 2S cam I measured back in the '70s. The lift curves, duration, and lobe separation are very close. The one I checked was marked "2S", so I'd guess yours is a re-grind of a stock Commando S cam to a 2S profile. In the picture, the base circle looks pretty small, another indication of a re-grind. No idea who might have done it. Used to be a lot of cam grinders around who would do that kind of work. Is there anything marked on the drive side end of the cam? Some of the grinders would etch their name there.

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