Can you identify these????

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Apr 30, 2012
Country flag
Out of pure curiosity...............
No one has ever mentioned, or asked what the two painted items are to the left and rear of my tank in my avatar picture?

Can you identify these????

So, what are the guesses...........................
Any takers?
i have always wondered that, just figured they were another job the painter was doing lol
Frankly I never thought about your avatar at all, but sure I can identify them. They are the breast plates worn by the fat lady when she sings!
The shaped number plate looks like it is off a manx norton or G50. I have actually used the same on my Triumph years ago.
Can you identify these????
acotrel said:
The shaped number plate looks like it is off a manx norton or G50. I have actually used the same on my Triumph years ago.
Can you identify these????

That is correct, Norton Manx.
When I walked into the shop to drop off my tank and parts, the gentleman was working on a newzealand made aluminum Manx fuel and oil tanks, and number plates. Apparently the bike had some pretty cool history of racing at the isle of man.
The man doing the painting does nice work, he just about fell off his chair when the owner of the Manx told him about the history and what the bike was worth.
Needless to say the tank had its own special spot in the shop.
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