So sometimes it pays to tear things apart. While in the process of overhauling the rear end (new chain, countershaft sprockett, brake drum, swing arm bushings and shaft, etc..), I was going to touch up the frame paint and found the frame has a clean break in it. I found found the usual oil/grease/dirt on the surface of the break, so it look's like it has been there a while.
There's a triangular stiffener on the right side where the z-plate and rear iso are attached. Just above where the rear zplate bolt goes, the frame tube has broken staight across. I will ask Steve or Fred to repair it (might as well get Fred's rear loop brace put on), they are both execellent machinists.
Has anyone had this happen before? A rare or common break point?
Guess the Golden Flash while be my main ride for a while.....
There's a triangular stiffener on the right side where the z-plate and rear iso are attached. Just above where the rear zplate bolt goes, the frame tube has broken staight across. I will ask Steve or Fred to repair it (might as well get Fred's rear loop brace put on), they are both execellent machinists.
Has anyone had this happen before? A rare or common break point?
Guess the Golden Flash while be my main ride for a while.....