British Patent Numbers

Jan 4, 2012
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Some questions on Norton / AMC Patent Numbers.

1. Was a Patent registered for the 1952, Short Roadholder forks?

2. Was a Patent registered for the 1952, Featherbed top yoke?

3. Was a Patent registered for the 1955, post bolt-up, Wideline frame?

4. Was a Patent registered for the 1956, AMC box?

5. Was a Patent registered for the 1959, damper tube modification to Short Roadholder forks?
6. Was a Patent registered for the 1960 Slimline frame?

7. Was a Patent registered for the 1962, modified AMC 'NA' box?

If so, what are the Patent Numbers and the relevant dates?
Some questions on Norton / AMC Patent Numbers.

1. Was a Patent registered for the 1952, Short Roadholder forks?

2. Was a Patent registered for the 1952, Featherbed top yoke?

3. Was a Patent registered for the 1955, post bolt-up, Wideline frame?

4. Was a Patent registered for the 1956, AMC box?

5. Was a Patent registered for the 1959, damper tube modification to Short Roadholder forks?
6. Was a Patent registered for the 1960 Slimline frame?

7. Was a Patent registered for the 1962, modified AMC 'NA' box?

If so, what are the Patent Numbers and the relevant dates?
Hi Possum,
I don't have any answers for you but I am curious about the motivation for your question. Are you looking for original drawings? Are you worried about patent infringement?

I am developing a Patent Label for a project bike & would like the correct BRIT. PAT. NO. for each component.