British Invasion

is anyone aware of or planning to go to the British July get together in mid state NY?
I'm kind of on the edge. Not exactly local but I may have lodging around 35 miles away to the south. The missus will need a bit of convincing but it may be do-able.
It just dawned on me they didn't schedule around the first week. Sore losers?
Bushmills is empty, I'm off to the tick.
Wouldn't miss it! I'll be camping. I think you'd miss out on a lot of the activities by staying off site. I'm looking forward to hoisting a few brews here and there with fellow campers I met at the Tioga PA meet 2 years ago.

This is the first time there has been a joint rally with INOA and NOC. There should be a ton of beautiful Nortons there.

I'll be there, plan on riding up from north central Florida and a leasurly tour home to conclude our honeymoon looking forward to putting the norton back on some curvy roads around home VT :D