Aluminum is linked to Alzheimer's. Just how it gets to where ever to cause damage, I don't know. But not something to gamble with probably.
Almost any particulates can be dangerous if fine enough and breathed in - the cotton industry was plagued with sickness from the dust.
The problem with cheap masks is that they don't usually fit well and are uncomfortable, so often get left off. Get one that is comfortable. The ones with interchangeable cartridges, so you can use the same mask for dry dust, chemicals etc, just change the cartridges,
I found a full face shield works best. It stops you feeling all the crap hitting you, and you tend to stay quite a bit cleaner. There are particle and liquid grades for these too.
Ear defenders are probably a good idea, as is a thick pinny.
Stout leather gloves. Do not be tempted to use a bit of rag to hold a workpiece. A snag can get your arm in a sling.