Lucky you if you find genuine Glacier shells these days. Mind you I guess some people still have a few in stock hidden away in their lofts or under floor boards etc!! Mine are in the loft.
However, regarding the 1 3/4 inch big end crank shells.....There was a difference of 0.0005 inch between Vandervell and Glacier shells(as shown by comparing the shell manufacturers drawings). I do not suppose many people were aware of this but the Southampton company we used for regrind work would only grind cranks to suit the supplied rods and shells. I was told the Company was used by Norton for grinding cranks and assume they assembled the rod and shells then measuring the inside diameter and grinding the crank to give the correct clearance.. Mind you that was a long time ago and I wonder how many would think to check such things these days ?
Hearing from friends in the trade about the errrrrr .....'goods' that are often flogged these days and I am on a fairly regular basis hearing tales about pistons and rings..... I am wondering how accurate the big end shells now available are...... Would anyone check them before using them I wonder or do people simply get their cranks reground to the std under size required and then simply fit whatever shells they manage to obtain?
I do remember seeing one so called mechanic fitting pieces of cigatette packet silver fag paper between the rods and shells on a customers rebuilt Triumph engine rather than having the crank reground and fitting new shells.....